Annual Meeting
Date: June 28th, 2020.
Time: 1:00 PM
Category: Board Meetings
To our Exit 7 Friends and Family:
I hope this message finds you all healthy and safe during this time of uncertainty. This message is broken into 3 sections. The first section will be general information about the Annual Meeting. The second section will detail how to nominate yourself to become a Board of Directors member (if you wish). The third section will explain any By-Law amendments that have been proposed that will be discussed and voted on during the Annual Meeting.
Exit 7 Players will be holding its Annual Board Meeting on Sunday, June 28 at 1pm via Zoom Video Conferencing, since social distancing measures are still in place. Active members, members wishing to renew membership, and those wishing to become members are invited to attend. If you would like to attend the Annual Meeting, you will need a device that allows for this platform (Zoom is a free video conferencing service) and you will need to email President Chris Climo for the login information at prior to June 27.
We will be using electronic polling of some sort to record votes. Details will be available at the Annual Meeting.
Memberships that have lapsed or those wishing to pay for new memberships can be done by sending a check to PO BOX 183, Ludlow MA, 01056 or we will have another electronic method available the day of the meeting (Venmo, Paypal, or something similar)
The Annual Meeting will consist of a summary of our current season, future plans, capital improvements, financial information, voting of Board of Directors Members, and discussion/voting of By-Law Amendments.
Immediately following the Annual Meeting there will be a short break followed by the first meeting of the 2020-2021 Season. Board Members elected should plan to attend both meetings and general membership are encouraged, but not required to attend the second meeting.
We are currently taking applications for Board of Directors Members and Officers. If you would like to be considered for the Board of Directors please submit an email to either Jami Wilson at or Stephanie Gilbert at A simple statement like the following is all that is needed:
"I, _______________ (name) would like to be considered for the Exit 7 Board of Directors (or officer position inserted here) for the 2020-2021 season. Sincerely, _____________(name)"
Please also put in the subject line of the email “EXIT 7 NOMINATION”.
Please keep in mind that the responsibilities of the Board of Directors are:
Attend monthly meetings (11) and discuss theater business
Attend seasonal work days to clean up the theater
Choosing theatrical productions for each season
Hiring of each production's creative team
Produce and participate in some capacity for each production in the season
Help upkeep the theater facility
Serve on subcommittees and perform assigned duties
The current Board of Directors consists of the following members, descriptions of duties of Officer positions can be found in the Exit 7 By-Laws, Article V:
Vice President
Up to 2 Junior Board Members (members under the age of 18)
Up to 2 Emeritus Board Members (appointed by the sitting Board of Directors)
Up to 11 other Board of Directors Members
During the Annual Meeting itself, we ask that you prepare a short (1-2 minutes) speech as to why you should be considered for the Board of Directors or Officer position.
The deadline for nominations to Jami or Stephanie must be by midnight EST on Saturday, June 13, 2020.
On Sunday, June 14, a follow-up with the ballot of Board of Directors considerations and a meeting agenda will be sent out.
Exit 7 strongly supports diversity and particularly encourages participation, general membership and board candidates that reflect the wide variety of experiences and backgrounds in our theater community.
The following amendments to the By-Laws have been submitted and will be discussed and voted on at the Annual Meeting:
New By-Law Proposed: Article X, Section E: Video Conference Meetings and Attendance The Exit 7 Board may by majority vote decide to hold any meeting - monthly, emergency, or annual, by "Zoom" or other video conference platform. Such meetings shall be considered the same as an in-person meeting for the purposes of conducting Exit 7 Business.
For in person meetings, Board members may be allowed up to two (2) instances per year where they are permitted to join by video conference without an emergency excuse. Joining by video conference for valid emergency reasons shall not count against this allowance. Emergency excuses include, but are not limited to, medical condition or care, child care, out-of-town travel or other genuine emergencies approved at the Board's discretion. Video conference attendance under the above conditions shall not be counted as an absence.
REASONING, Paragraph 1: Especially during this pandemic, video conferencing was a very useful and necessary form of communication. It allowed the Board of Directors to still hold meetings without physically meeting face-to-face.
REASONING, Paragraph 2: To allow for more involvement of Board Members, providing 2 emergency video conferences attendances if said member is unable to physically attend an in-person meeting but still wishes to participate in the meeting. Reasons for missing an in-person meeting are listed in the paragraph.
By-Law Amendment Proposed: Article VI, Section D: Board Member Meeting Attendance
In the event a Board member has three (3) absences from regularly scheduled Board meetings (excepting extenuating circumstances or emergency) such member may be removed from the Board by a two-thirds majority of the votes, cast by the Board after previous notification and the Board may then nominate and elect a replacement by plurality vote.
Upon a Board member’s third absence, the President (or Secretary) shall notify said member in writing and inform said member that their board membership may be voted for dismissal at the next available meeting
REASONING: Independent of whether the video conferencing meeting By-Law is added. Currently the By-Laws allow for 4 absences. The interpretation is that keeping 4 absences and then allowing Board Members to use Video Conferences to avoid a fifth and sixth meeting, they would avoid going to an in-person meeting potentially 6 out of the total 11 Board Monthly Meetings during a season. The proposal will drop this to 5.
I apologize for the lengthy message, but there’s lots of great stuff happening in our theater! Hope to see and hear from you soon!
Christina M Climo
President, Exit 7 Board of Directors